Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Massage Therapy Explanation and pricing

Canine Massage Therapy -

Is Massage Therapy for dogs just a fad? Is it right for my dog?

Canine Massage Therapy is definitely not a fad. there are many proven benefits of massage therapy for dogs of all ages, breeds, and sizes. 

1. It increases the range of motion by restoring muscles to their proper length
2. Massage Therapy reduces inflammation and swelling in joints that can happen to any dog who is active.
3. A proper massage releases endorphins which is a body's natural pain killer and tranquilizer.
4. If given they okay by a veterinarian, massage therapy has been used to lessen healing time after surgery or injury.
5. It can be used as a preventative before an injury occurs.

For older dogs, it helps improve circulation and keeps their muscles from atrophying due to lack of use. It can help them feel younger and move a little easier. For younger dogs it can relax the muscles after a hard day of play, reduce spasms and tightness caused by activity, to keep young and healthy dogs feeling young and healthy.

As an example of the benefits: Circulation is important to all dogs. Active or couch potatoes, old or young. Oxygen is carried to each muscle through the circulation of the blood. When oxygen joins in union with glucose, it gives the muscles the proper energy needed to contract and keep your pup in motion. When your dog's muscles are overstressed, tighten or spasm... this can cut off the much needed supply of oxygen to the muscles. After a time, toxins like lactic acid can build up in their system. Lactic acid can spread fatigue and reduce proper body function. Lactic Acid can not remain in the presence of oxygen. Massage therapy can relax the tightness and spasms, and help get the circulation flowing properly. That circulation will carry oxygen back to the muscles, eliminating those toxins, and providing the muscles with the energy they need to properly function.

"Why can't I just do this on my own? I pet my dog all the time. Isn't that enough?"

Petting your dog is a great way to bond with your furry family member and show your love, however... massage therapy isn't simply petting your dog. It is actually more complex that it sounds. Massage Therapists are trained to know the muscular and skeletal system of pets, how to locate an area that could be problematic, how to properly warm the muscles prior to applying direct pressure, how to apply direct pressure to potential problematic areas, and when to use a technique called 'Cross Fiber Friction' to separate and spread the fibers of the area being treated.

There are several different types of strokes, compressions and ways to apply direct pressure. Not all muscles are treated the same way. You also have to know WHERE you are applying pressure and HOW.  When done improperly, your dog will receive no benefits from the massage. When done properly, there are many proven health benefits. Canine massage therapists are specifically trained to know how to perform a massage properly to better help your pet.

It is like this analogy. If you have severe back spasms, Maybe they started after you lifted something heavy, do you ask your neighbor (who works as a cook for a living) to help with the pain... or do you see a professional chiropractor or massage therapist who is trained to alleviate these spasms?

Is Massage therapy right for your dog? Massage therapy is good for all dogs of any age, breed or size except in the following cases:

The presence of a fever
an Infection
If there is an undiagnosed lump or mass on the dog's body
If there is a broken or sprained limb being treated by a veterinarian
If your dog has cancer.

If your dog has had substantial illnesses, injuries or surgeries... Massage therapy MUST be cleared by the veterinarian. If your vet feels your dog will benefit from massage therapy after an injury or surgery, I will be happy to work with your veterinarian on the specifics at no extra cost.

Pricing for Massage Therapy

$20 per session

If you have multiple pets, multiple pet discounts are available.

If you would like to schedule one session a week, the price is $17 per session. (Must schedule at least 3 sessions to obtain this discounted price.)

I accept major credit cards and cash.

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